25 февраля 20 706

A new line for the production of rolls, long loafs and wheat varieties of bread was launched at the bakery of  Voronovo branch of  Grodno regional consumer society. The production line has improved the quality of products and, of course, allowed to ease the work of bakers.

According to the investment program, a year and a half ago, in addition to the overhaul of the building and production facilities, we purchased a proofer and a “Rotor Agro” baking oven, - says Irina Polyakova, head of the industry department. - Just a month ago, a new bakery equipment arrived at the baker’s arsenal - a two-speed dough mixing machine and a technological complex of a vacuum dough divider, a preliminary proofing cabinet for dough pieces, a dough rounder and dough sealer for a total cost of 119,670 rubles. It replaced the old one. Taking into account competition in the market, we are obliged, as they say, to keep the brand. They have already started talking about the quality of products coming off the new line. The consumer responds positively: our buns, loaves of bread, wheat bread has become even more airy, which, of course, affects the taste of the product.




How is the birth of bread occurs, introduced the head of the bakery section Sofya Misuro:

— At the initial stage of the batch – on the tab – the test runner works, Pavel Chernyakov today.

We found the moment when the dough kneaded “without hands”,  Pavel, at the touch of a button, moves to a mobile bowl and transports to another room. Here the dough is allowed “to rest” for 20-30 minutes.




 The mass which is noticeably” full in volumes” is automatically transferred to the bunker of the divider machine, where it is crushed into blanks of the installed mass. The buyer can safely trust the manufacturer at this point - there can be no more or less permissible error in weight. The dough “walks” along the conveyor, “rests” in a special cabinet of preliminary proofing and receives the consistency required by state standards. The process is closely watched by locksmith Stanislav Khodukin. You can’t do without monitoring the operation of the machine: you need to monitor the oil level in the machine, the implementation of a given program, and at the end of the shift, the equipment must be cleaned.


Nevertheless, bread cannot be born without the warmth of human hands. Each baking is laid out personally on large baking sheets by baker-master Anna Yasyukevich and baker Valentina Shilobrit. The dough is neatly corrected and sent to the proofer. It is amusing to observe how after about 20 minutes the buns and breads acquire the correct shape. Then, slicing is applied to the loaves - this is done, as it turned out, not for beauty, but in order to release carbon dioxide formed during the fermentation process and to prevent cracking of the loaf under the influence of high temperature. Again for a few minutes to the same proofer. Through the glass doors you can see how the appetizing “army” is growing. Time is up - it’s time to go to the stove, where a special program is again installed with humidity and temperature defined for each product. Before our eyes, the buns become rosy and the aroma spreads throughout the production hall. The loafs look very appetizing. A hand reaches straight to pinch off a crisp!


 After the products are sent to stores and directly to their fans on the table.

“Bon Appetit!” - the bread makers wish their fellow countrymen and neighbors - residents of Ivye and Lida.

Galina Shlempo

Photo of Oleg Belsky

Translated by Zinaida Tserpitskaya
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