03 февраля 20 719

You can’t always manage to follow the time. Voronovo land is already 80. It is not little, though Voronovo land has deeper roots and history.

This year anniversary is a holiday of those who created the district, who took the race and responsibility for its further destiny. The administration of the district, honored guests, representatives of labor collectives, public organizations gathered in the assembly hall of the centre of culture and folk art to honor the anniversary to turn over the 80th page of our history and thank our hard-working countrymen.

Music, live communication, happy faces, warm hugs… Special atmosphere of the holiday was felt in the lobby. Here there was an exhibition, created by labor collectives and organizers, which reflected the achievements of our countrymen in different fields of economy.


Honored citizens of our district came with a bow to the native land in the Year of a small homeland – Victor Sheiman, Manager of President Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Sergey Ablomeyko, a Honored Scientist, Vasiliy Stepuro and Ivan Doroshkevich, former chairmen of the district executive branch. They left their wishes in the book of honored guests. And also Mechislav Goy, chairman of Grodno city executive committee. Igor Gedich, a deputy of the Council of the Republic of National assembly, Pavel Mihaluk, a deputy of the House of representatives of the National assembly in Shchuchin constituency, Ivan Krohmalchik, the director of “Grodno Regional Fuel” joined the congratulations. The neighbors shared joy of the event with our countrymen: representatives of self government of Shalchininkay and Alitus district of Lithuania, Belarusian cultural centre in Shalchininkay.



Voronovo district is for us a common house, - emphasized Nickolay Rozum, chairman of the district executive committee. – It united people of different destinies and generations, characters and views, nationalities and religions.


On the day of celebration we gratefully recall those who stood at the origins, worship the countrymen who survived during incredible trials of the Great Patriotic War, raised it from after war ruins and made it a beautiful developed land. As before our ideals and aims remain unshakable for us: to live in peace, cultivate the land, build enterprises and houses, honor ancestors, bring up children, believe in light future.

Voronovo land managed to take a worthy place in Nieman region and the republic with the help of labor of a few generations. Today new challenges confront us – not to slow down, find actual perspectives for economic and social development, keeping to traditions, culture and history of the district, its identity.


Victor Sheiman began his congratulations with warm memories, emphasizing that Voronovo land success consists of the achievements of all its inhabitants. They are worth being talked as an example for colleagues and growing generation.


Returning to the origins of our small homeland we are again and again amazed by its identity, - underlined Victor Vladimirovich. Rich in traditions and generous with talents our Voronovo land brought up the whole generation of hard-working grain-growers and famous scientists, great doctors and really folk teachers, famous artists, sportsmen, patriots. With deep appreciation we recall the names of the Hero of Socialist Labor Anatoliy Georgievich Zhuravlev, Full Knight of the Order of Glory Tihon Yakovlevich Litovchik, Honored Doctor of Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republics Anton Stepanovich Sushko, Full Knight of the Order of Labor Glory Ivan Ivanovich Kurovsky, Doctor of Technical Science, professor, academician Sergey Vladimirovich Ablameyko, Honored Worker of Culture Vyacheslav Konstantinovich Matskevich and many others. I sincerely congratulate representatives of all spheres, especially agricultural workers, the leading branch of the district economy.

This year we celebrate the 75th anniversary of Great Victory, we ought to pay special attention to the participators of the Great Patriotic War. They are our honor and glory, our past, present and future. The head of the state always emphasizes it.

I wish all the countrymen strong health, wealth, peace, success in creative labor for good and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus.

By order of the President’s Affairs Management for the performance at high professional level of official duties and active participation in solving problems of socio-economic development of Voronovo district and Grodno region the director of “Boltishki”Andzhey Vilkevich, Lutsianna Gusts, site forewoman “Zhirmuny”, director of Voronovo power networks Andrey Konon were awarded with Certificate, Thanks was expressed to the director “Voronovo Agricultural Machinery” Alexander Magazinshchikov, a teacher of Voronovo school Tatyana Pushnenkova, Radun hospital manager Galina Franyuk.


Victor Vladimirovich handed the certificate for 100 skies to the head of the district.


Mechislav Goy read a welcome address from the chairman of Grodno executive committee, adding personal wishes of prosperity to the native land.


 For many years of conscientious work, personal contribution to socio-economic development of Voronovo land and in connection with the anniversary date Nickolay Rozum, chairman of Voronovo executive committee was awarded with Certificate of Honor of regional Council of deputies, the director of “Girki” Tadeush Mushinskiy, the veteran of labor Anton Golovnya were awarded with the Certificate of Honor of Grodno executive committee. The veteran of labor Alexander Kashley was awarded with the Certificate of Grodno regional Council of deputies. Thanks of Grodno executive committee was expressed to the headmaster of Radun school Svetlana Pochobut, a bulldozer Victor Ulbin, the veteran of labor Petr Tsehonovich. The veteran of labor Vyacheslav Matskevich was given a Thankful letter of Grodno regional Council of deputies. The certificate of Voronovo executive committee was handed to the head of the trading service of the Voronovo branch of the Grodno consumer society Ludmila Baranovich, a teacher of Voronovo college Konstantin Konon, the director of “Veranova” Violetta Lukashun, the veterans of labor Vera Matusevich, Maria Marinovskaya, Alina Yankelaits, a driver of “Boltishki” Ivan Mindul, a director of Pogorodno centre of culture Svetlana Salmanovich, the head of therapeutic department of Radun hospital Irina Udot.

 Mechislav Bronislavovich handed the certificate for 10 000 rubles for development of the district.


Holiday programme lasted three hours. Chronicles slides with black-white photos. Warm memories of the former heads of the district Vasiliy Stepuro and Ivan Doroshkevich, soulful reviews about his countrymen of Sergey Ablomeyko and wishes of all speakers inspired nostalgia of the past years, warmed the soul of the visitors with shared moments, achievements and success.


Birthday is an occasion for deep thoughts, analysis of lived, dreams and, of course, joy. Wonderful concert numbers were prepared by the workers of culture of the district. Enthusiastic applause was gifted by the spectators to the honored collective of the Republic of Belarus, a state academic dance ensemble of Belarus and also a folk singer of Belarus Anatoliy Yarmolenko.


Galina Shlempo.

Translated by Zinaida Tserpitskaya.

Photo by Oleg Belsky.
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